A Bump in the Road
By Nira Berry
My happiness journey of living a fulfilled, joyful life didn’t start in the happiest way. The path had to be created.
I had a wonderful life, and then suddenly along the way I was blessed with a bump in the road. That bump got in my way.
I discovered a lump in my breast at a young age, and was shocked the next day when I heard the breast cancer surgeon say these words: "You have breast cancer."
It's never a good thing to hear "You've got breast cancer. My mind and vocal cords couldn't coordinate the words I wanted to say. All I could say was "What?" I was stunned.
My mind filled with thoughts from, "I'm dying and I'll never see my kids graduate from high school and grow up" to "How am I going to tell my mom?"
I thought I would try it.
I noticed I was able to cope with my situation a little better. I made it my daily practice to laugh. I felt better and more positive as time went on. I thought “Wow!” I’ve got to let others know about this happiness and pain reducing vitamin- laughter.
This was, and is my mission to bring laughter and joy to everyone’s lives! This is when I created my LaughingRx Laughter Wellness programs to help other people.
Many people are looking for happiness and wellness - and laughter, as I discovered for myself, laughter helped me physically, mentally and emotionally at a time when I needed it the most. I know that I can count on this to continue helping me in the future.
Nira leads a variety of laughter presentations, programs and events for corporate, groups, individuals and specialty groups such as cancer, seniors and physically and mentally challenged.
Contact Nira: nira@laughingrx.com